Unity Theatre, London

Unity Theatre
Address Goldington St
City London
Country UK
Years active 1936–1975
Closed 1975
Current use Redeveloped for housing

The Unity Theatre was a theatre club formed in 1936, and initially based in St Judes Hall, Britannia Street, Kings Cross, in 1937 they moved to a former chapel in Goldington Street, near St Pancras, in the London Borough of Camden. Although the theatre was destroyed by fire in 1975 productions continued sporadically until 1994.[1] It had links to the Left Book Club Theatre Guild and the Communist Party of Great Britain.[2] By the end of the theatre's first decade, it had spawned 250 branches throughout Britain.



The theatre grew from the Workers' Theatre Movement, formed in the East End of London.[3] This was an attempt to bring contemporary social and political issues to a working class audience; it introduced plays by, about and for workers. The company used agitprop theatre techniques to highlight the suffering of unemployment and hunger marches in the Great Depression and to challenge the rise of Nazism in Germany and Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists. They sought to show the republican struggle in Spain.[4]

The company was notable for pioneering new dramatic forms, such as company-devised documentary pieces, 'Living Newspapers' and satirical pantomimes, including Babes in the Wood (whose cast included Bill Owen, Mark Cheney, Vida Hope, Alfie Bass and, Una Brandon-Jones), Plant In The Sun (starring Paul Robeson, along with Alfie Bass).[5] The improvisational technique brought them into conflict with the Lord Chamberlain's Office, who retained the right to approve theatre scripts under the Theatres Act 1843. Nevertheless, the company managed to present important works throughout the 1930s and audiences suspicious of politics as usual, and tired of the light and fluffy entertainments designed for the upper classes, responded.[1] There was a ban on theatre at its outbreak, but once lifted the theatre remained active throughout World War II. The company also provided groups of entertainers to tour factories and air-raid shelters.[5]

There was also an associated Unity Theatre School. Unity was a volunteer theatre, neither fully amateur, nor professional,(apart from a short-lived professional company founded in 1946 by Ted Willis) and loosely linked to a national network. By the outbreak of World War II there were over 250 branches throughout the country. The end of theatrical censorship in 1968 meant that mainstream theatre could perform more radical plays, and the movement fell into decline, with the London theatre closing, after a fire in 1975[5]. According to the New York Times, "...it finally expired in 1983 because it represented a spirit of old-fashioned opposition and could not find its place in a more strident and increasingly prosperous age."[1] Attempts were made to revive the theatre in the late 1980s and early 1990s and for a while a studio theatre was created in Somers Town (in the space now occupied by Camden People's Theatre) but today, whilst the Unity Theatre Trust continues in London, only the Unity Theatre, Liverpool retains an active theatre under the Unity Theatre name.[2] However Unity Theatre Cardiff has been in continuous existence since its formation in 1942. The company left the Unity Theatre movement in 1948 and the was re-named Everyman Theatre Cardiff. Despite leaving the movement the company continues to adhere to much of the Unity ethos and remains neither fully amateur nor professional.

Notable writers and actors

Unity introduced new writers, both British and international, presenting Señora Carrara's Rifles (1938), the first Brecht play in Britain and premières of Clifford Odets's Waiting for Lefty, Sean O'Casey's The Star Turns Red (1940), Jean Paul Sartre’s Nekrassov (1956).[4] The theatre helped popularise the plays of Maxim Gorky. Notable actors associated with Unity Theatre have included: Lionel Bart, Alfie Bass, Una Brandon-Jones, Michael Gambon, Julian Glover, Jack Grossman, Harry Landis Michael Redgrave, Herbert Lom, Vida Hope, Bob Hoskins, David Kossoff, Warren Mitchell, Bill Owen, Eric Paice, Ted Willis, Roger Woddis.[5] Bart's earliest contributions were lyrics for the revue 'Turn It Up'. Bart also wrote the lyrics for an agitprop version of Cinderella and also wrote a revue called Peacemeal and a play called Wally Pone for the group.[6]


Further reading

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